The Digipak that I have created has an image of the music artist that is also in the video. This is helping to link the digipak cover to the music video, this is because the same face is on two different products.
The writing that's on both the digipak and the poster is good because it is sort of quirky which is how the song is.
The track listing on the back of the digipak cover I feel is also quite quirky as the different names of the songs are written in the quirky writing again and also because the songs are called different names such as Violet spy, Black Dice, Bold Faced Silence. These are all quirky and this is good because they help to link to the songs title of Velvet Elvis.
Although the imgae of my artist helps to link it to the video, the two images don't have the same style with the heavy eyeliner and wavy hair or even the clothing. This probably wouldn't help to link it to the video as the clothing is very different.
The same quirky but minimalist style is followed throughout the whole process helping to create a strong image and following similar things used by different artists such as Kimbra, she has the same image on both her album and her poster this helps to create a strong brand and also helps the digipak and poster advertise the same product so that people know its from the same artist.
You're going to need a lot more detail, look at the posts on my blog about star image and use that to analyse your work. You'll need a lot more screen grabs of not just the artists but also the objects in the video to help link to the quirky elements on your digi pac. Remember to mention the record label you've chosen and link that to the product.